Concrete Break Schedule Tool

The StonemontQC concrete break schedule tool and report have the ability to search for and display a list of concrete specimens that need to be tested.  These specimens could be cylinders, cubes, or beams.  Searches may include any or all plants available to the user.  Searching for tests that may have been missed, tests that are coming up, and tests that need to be done today is a quick and simple process.  Search results are loaded into a grid from which you can bring up the sample’s break form for quick data entry or import of break machine results.

Concrete Break Schedule

There is a break report available with this tool that can be printed out with plenty of room to enter break information to help make data entry easier.  This report can be automated by using the Auto-Reports features available in the Enterprise and Hosted Editions, which will auto-generate this report and optionally email it out to the appropriate personnel.  Cylinder identification is user-definable or auto-generated by StonemontQC so that you can label your specimens in a way that makes sense to how you manage them. Using this tool has the potential of making concrete specimen break management a near paperless process and will help reduce the number of orphaned cylinders your cure room!